Today was a beautiful day and I decided to spend a large portion of my day in my fabulous art room and home of Peanut. This excited him to no end and as soon as I sat down, he was right there by my feet, happy as a pig in poop.
He seems very neutral most of the time and this may make you question his happiness. I have learned that bunnies purr, much like cats, by very rapidly chattering their teeth. He tends to do this when you kiss him..and pet him, and pretty much any time he is getting attention. I know this is a good thing because when you stop, he chases you for more.
Another way I know that Peanut is a happy camper is when he does the know how cats do that adorable thing where they put their head down like they are a bit "special" and proceed to flip their whole body awkwardly over their heads? yes, well... Peanut does this as well. He will lay on his back with his crazy little paws slightly lifted in the air...sometimes I have to poke him JUST to make sure he's still with us... he's THAT relaxed.
Today Peanut did all of these things.. He chattered, flipped, ran around, nudged my ankles over and over and over again..which brings me to today's post's main story.
In the room there is a wonderful office chair. A chair that has 3 levers that control the back rest, height, and position of the seat. I finally set the chair just the way I like it to endure hours of sitting and making things or web surfing.
I was sitting in this said chair today, leaning forward a bit, fully concentrating on my penmanship as I addressed a letter, when all of a sudden.. the seat of the chair was triggered by this level, thrusting me forward and almost flinging me from the chair.
I look down and what do I see but a furry little creature on his hind legs pushing on these levers. I kid you not... his nudges are hard core.
Allow me to attempt to illustrate this hilarious event...

yes.. he's a stinker.