Peanut has had a pretty lazy day today, sunning himself in this wonderful weather we are having today...
He is probably tired from his hyperactivity last night, and for all we know, it may have continued while we were fast asleep.
Last night we invaded his room for an art evening and he was very excited that we were going to be visiting him. He enjoys sitting at our feet and nudging our ankles for attention. After attacking his litter box a few times, I proceeded to walk over and clean it. As soon as I was finished, here comes Mr. Hyper from across the room to jump in a rearrange it again, undoing the cleaning I just finished. We played this game back and forth about 3 or 4 times..Thanks....
He had to have the last say by attacking the hose to the vacuum for a good 3 minutes or so after the fact. He showed it who's boss around here.
Peanut is fortunate to have many little nooks to explore daily. They seem to never get old. He's got carpeted areas to lay on, hard wood floor to cool his belly off, lilly pad rugs to hop around on, a metal shelf that he just loves to perch on. I guess this was not enough for him.
I have an old sewing storage stool that I keep under one of our work tables. Because of lack of space I keep a large rubbermaid tub on top of it full of rubber stamps. I needed to go through them, so I pulled them off, went through them, and as I was getting ready to throw them back on the stool.... I saw a furry creature making himself comfortable on top. He's lucky he didn't get knocked in the head!
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