I have noticed that his right side jaw is giving him trouble lately and this means another trip to the vet. While he does not enjoy these trips because they usually result in surgery, it needs to be done, so Peanut fans...I need your help.
I am creating Peanut/bunny inspired artwork/cards/bookmarks (CHEAP!!) in time for Easter and Spring. This Saturday I am participating in Youtique Detroit and I am going to have some of these available and hopefully posted on Etsy very soon. All of the money from selling these items will help Peanut get to the doctor and get him his meds and/or the surgery that I know they will suggest to get rid of any abscess' that have grown back.
I will post the link when they are available. Also you can check out and like my Facebook Fan Page where I post all of my art updates.
Thanks in advance for helping out my baby bunny. He thanks you too with a nose wiggle and a lick!!
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